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I've enjoyed a number of amazing bear surprises in the Tetons, but this recent encounter with grizzly #793 (aka Blondie), a strikingly beautiful 16-year-old sow and her two cubs of the year, ranks right up there. I haven't seen Blondie since May of 2022, just a couple of days before she lost her entire litter of three - most likely to a male grizzly. And without cubs in tow, Blondie - who is believed to hibernate outside Teton National Park - has seldom been seen near roads or human occupied areas. Of all the bears I've had the privilege of photographing over the years, Blondie is my favorite. I've enjoyed many encounters with her since first seeing her in 2011 or 2012, but very few in recent years. So when rumors began to circulate of a mystery sow with two cubs in TNP a couple of weeks ago, I was excited to investigate for myself. And after a couple of long days looking, there she was, standing tall and strong with two cubs. Hello, Blondie, it’s good to see you again. And may your adorable cubs live long and prosperous grizzly lives deep in the wild away from people and danger. September 2023
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I've enjoyed a number of amazing bear surprises in the Tetons, but this recent encounter with grizzly #793 (aka Blondie), a strikingly beautiful 16-year-old sow and her two cubs of the year, ranks right up there. I haven't seen Blondie since May of 2022, just a couple of days before she lost her entire litter of three - most likely to a male grizzly. And without cubs in tow, Blondie - who is believed to hibernate outside Teton National Park - has seldom been seen near roads or human occupied...
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