Search Results (1/1)

Filename: 2000 Trumpeter Swan Family 1.703_4476 x 2628 J100ARGB_20180811 1316.jpg
Really sweet to see this successful nesting pair of trumpeter swans with five signets this week on one of our local lakes. Trumpeters are abundant here during the winter months, yet most migrate north to Canada or Alaska during the summer. A much smaller local population nests here, and fewer are productive breeders. Trumpeter swans were once abundant and widespread throughout North America. Yet by the early 1900's the population was nearly extinct with only...
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Really sweet to see this successful nesting pair of trumpeter swans with five signets this week on one of our local lakes. Trumpeters are abundant here during the winter months, yet most migrate north to Canada or Alaska during the summer. A much smaller local population nests here, and fewer are productive breeders. Trumpeter swans were once abundant and widespread throughout North America. Yet by the early 1900's the population was nearly extinct with only...
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